Configuring company profile, location and forwarding numbers (setupwizard >>company profile settings)
In the setupwizard, these settings need to be configured. If left unconfigured text messages will not send:
Text Message sender number: This must correspond with the number purchased for messaging purposes. The purchasing of numbers can only be done by the Profitdiagnostix team. This must be numbers only without spaces and prefixed with the international dialing code eg 61483123456
Text Message forward number: This is the number of a practice mobile phone. All incoming messages responding to campaigns will come to this phone. This allows the business to react immediately to customer responses. Note that customers never see this number and it remains private. This must be numbers only without spaces and prefixed with the international dialing code eg 61483123789
Timezone: This is the timezone of the practice. Sending of messages is restricted to between 9am in the morning and 5pm in the evening for that timezone. This keeps the message sending at a convenient and polite time.
Configuring for multi-branch environments with centralised database
To configure the text messages for multiple branches, you can use pipe '|' separated values so that the text message contains the branch name, branch phone number and branch online scheduling link:
text_branch_tags: Set this to EXACTLY the same text as the branch names in the software system
Eg. branch1|branch2text_business_name: Set this to what you want displayed on the text message:
Eg. London Vets|Manchester Vetstext_business_phone: Set this to the phone number for each branch.
Eg. 02123456|03456789text_appointment_link: Set this to the URL for the appointment scheduler for each branch.
Eg. https://apptschedule1:|https://apptschedule2
Note that for some practices their online scheduler for branches is shared, so it may not be necessary.text_branch_exclude: This is specific case use if a multi branch clinic wants to run campaigns just for specific branches. It allows the list to be accurate in multi branch environment whist still allowing the campaign to be run for just some of the branches.
Please note that the order of the above lists is important and must always correspond to your order in text_branch_tags.
You must also make sure thet that the text messages you are sending are using placeholders for the above values not hardcoded names and phone numbers.