If you forget your password, its really easy to get it back again, all you need is your email address.

Go to:


Click on the 'forgot your password' link

Enter your email address - This must be the same email address that you used to register originally.

Check your email box and you will be sent a password recovery link. Just click on this and you will go to a page that will allow you to reset your password.


As soon as you have clicked on the link, you will be directed to a page that allows a password reset. Make sure that you remember what you set this to and click the 'change password' button


Once this is done, you are automatically directed back to the login screen where you simply enter the email and password you just created to log in:

If a user on your datahub has forgotten their password, you are able to send the password reset email yourself.

Log onto your datahub, go to Account > Account

Click Users on the left

The list of users on your datahub will be displayed. Next to their name is a "Password Reset" button. Click it and an email will be sent to them with instructions on resetting their password.