This article will give you a number ways to check that Slyncy is currently installed on your server/PC.


We are commonly asked how do check if Slyncy Desktop is installed. Below are few ways to check

  1. The latest versions ( 2021 updates ) of Windows have introduced the phone style APP.
    To get to this click on the window in the bottom left of your screen ( this method seems to work on most modern versions of windows )

    then settings

    Next click on Apps

    You will then get a list of apps & Features installed on your computer. Scoll down to the S section.

    If you are looking for Slyncy on a server or PC that is being replaced to uninstall Slyncy so there aren’t two slyncy’s running at once you can do it here. Click on SlyncyDecktop to make the uninstall option appear, then uninstall.

  2. Add illustrations to instructions by typing /image

  3. Stick to 3-5 steps per task to avoid overloading readers


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