Send a command to your PMS or Accounting software to update Profit Diagnostix with the latest data

Navigation: Go to main menu → Setting → Data Sources

How to queue your data

  1. To activate a quick update click on the QUEUE button not the arrow beside

  2. This will update the last two weeks data. You will see a date under the Sync Data. You can click on the time (11:04 in this example) while the data pull is happening to monitor how the download is progressing. The progress bar will scroll while the download is happening
    This a Practice management system

    As the job completes your progress bar will change as below.
    This is an accounting system

    Below is the job data loaded so far. Click refresh on your browser to update.

  3. Go back to Settings → Data Sources to check if the queue failed or succeeded.

If you are now returning to a dashboard to view the updated data you will need to click the refresh button on the dashboard even if it’s green to fill in the new invoices you just uploaded.

Yellow Refresh Button→ Caching

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