These are examples on what to search for when mapping fees/products in the setup wizard.

Anaesthesia Gas

Tell us about your Full Gas Anaesthesia. This would indicate any invoice item indicating full gas anaesthesia was performed. Includes dentals and desexings.

Arthritis Medication injectable

Blood test diagnostic ( 3 or more )

Blood test pre-anesthetic 

 Consultation out of hours

Consultation primary

Consultation repeated


Tell us about your Cytology: Here we would like you to add any fee related to you performing an in house microscopy test. This would include fees such as ear smears, skin scrapes, urine sediments, fecal flotations and in house fine needle aspirate samples. And any other sample you collect for microscopy

Deep Sedation


Tell us about your Dentistry. Which product do you charge that would indicate you have performed a dental procedure on a single patient. Example: When you perform a dental procedure you may charge an anaesthetic fee, a scale and polish, some extraction fees. But for all dental procedures you always perform the scale and polish, not the extractions. In this case, the best measure of the number of dentals performed is the number of scale and polish fees charged.

Desexing castrate

Desexing spey


Heartworm Injection


 Intravenous fluids full - during a medical procedure

Intravenous fluids operative - during a surgical procedure

Radiography Dental


Test Drug Therapy

Test Endocrine Function

Test Infectious Diseases


Vaccinations Adult

Vaccination Juvenile (Kitten/Puppy)