

Filtering generally applies to the filtering of new items, not existing items. Basically when we look at a new item we can filter it from being transferred. However, once an item has been transferred it becomes ‘linked’, and filtering rules don’t apply anymore.

Unless otherwise stated, below are the standard filtering rules.

Tax Codes

Tax Codes generally can only be transferred ‘from’ accounting systems and not to them. This is a limitation of most accounting systems.

Some systems have an ‘active’ flag on the tax code. If a tax code is not active it will not be transferred on the first sync.

Financial Accounts

Financial Accounts generally can only be transferred ‘from’ accounting systems and not to them. This is a limitation of most accounting systems.

Some systems have an ‘active’ flag on the financial account. If a financial account is not active it will not be transferred on the first sync.


New Parties may be filtered based on the active flag in some cases. The caveat is that Parties flagged as a supplier or customer will still be transferred. This is because suppliers and customers will be required later, because other items will depend on them (Invoices, Payments, etc).

We will also generally only send Suppliers and Customers to Financial systems (Saasu, Xero, etc). This is to reduce the number of parties transferred to the accounting system. Additionally, some systems will have a completely different Customers and Suppliers list, and transferring all the parties into both systems would not make sense.

Inventory Items

New Inventory items are usually filtered based on the active flag.


Transactions (Invoices, Purchases, Orders, etc) are insert only (no updates). Transactions are filtered based on type and date. The ‘financial start date’ configuration option determines the first date on which invoices are transferred; this prevents old invoices from being transferred. Also the type of the invoice will be considered when transferring. These rules depend on the source/destination system.