Reviews: Questions from practices

Reviews: Questions from practices

Is staff training required?


Regarding staff training for this, it actually does not require any :-)
All that happens is that 24 hours after your consults, repeats and vaccine, a customer will get a message requesting a review
When they complete the review, it gets logged in Profit Diagnostix and emailed to <Copy and paste variable SMS_reply_from>. Text message replies will be forwarded to <Copy and paste Setupwizard > Company > textMessageForwardNumber>.
The only thing your team needs to know is that it is happening and just in case a client calls to ask something about the message
Note Profitdiagnostix will not send review requests to clients for 6 months after having sent a prior one


Is there a reason reviews aren’t sent on Mondays and Saturdays? 


The client reviews request service go out on the same day as the client reactivation service which is between Tuesday and Friday. From our research, these days are the best time frame to get the best response from clients. Most clients are busy on weekends and Monday is busy for most practices. The reviews data goes back 5 days and will pick up Saturday and Monday client invoices when it sends out on Tuesday. Our services are automated and we don't have the feature to specify which days the services out.


Do the reviews automatically get shared to our google review page?


Profit Diagnostix collects client reviews and forward them to you, we then show them a page to share their review either on Google reviews page or Facebook reviews page. Google does not allow us to automatically post your client’s review. It needs to be done by the client.


Is there a way we can put the link from Google onto the Profit message?

Putting a google link or multiple links on the text message may reduce the user experience. Not all clients have gmail account and/or logged into their gmail account on their mobile device. It's best to collect the majority of the reviews via Profit Diagnostix so that we can forward them to your practice. You can then use those reviews to add them to a page called Testimonials on your website.