Where to Map your Financials

Where to Map your Financials

Mapping your financial data

This page will guide you where a ledger account will be mapped in Profit diagnostix

Navigation: Go to main menu → Settings → Setup Wizard → Financials


Below is a list of example ledger accounts mapped to a field.

They can differ slightly as Xero, MYOB and Bookkeepers set up accounts/general ledgers with different names.

  1. Revenue-Income

    Income | Sales | 2000

    Income | Sales - Cash, Chq | 2001
    Income | Merchant and Deposits | 4-1100

  2. Other Income

    Income | Insurance Recoveries | 2800
    Income | Interest Income | 2700
    Income | Other Revenue | 2600

    Income | FBT Reimbursement | 81440
    Income | Goodwill Cashback | 81500
    Income | Distributions Rec | 81250
    Income | ATO Cash Flow Boost (CFB) | 2655
    Income | Distributions from Trust | 2500
    Income | Profit from sale of Assets | 2900
    Income | DETR - education for employees | 2602
    Income | FBT Employee Contribution | 275
    Income | Commission - Cemetery | 4-6500


  3. Rebates

    Income | Rebates | 2700


  4. Wage Subsidies

    Income | PPL Received | 2710

    Income | Govt. Grants - Staff | 4-4111
    Income | Paid Parental leave Payments recd | 2600
    Income | Maternity Leave - Gov Contribution | 62331
    Income | Workcover Reimbursement | 232
    Income | Trainee Subsidies from Government | 203
    Income | Jury Service Allowance Received | 2602

  5. Staff Hire Income


  6. Cost of Sales - COGS

    Expense | Cremation and Clinical waste | 3009
    Expense | Drugs & Purchases | 3005
    Expense | Lab & Pathology | 3008
    Expense | Oxygen | 3006

    Expense | Pharm - Med - Other | 51280

  7. Directors fees, owners and Associated Persons Wages

    Expense | Wages and Salaries Associated persons | 5404
    Expense | Superannuation Associated persons | 5423

    Expense | Shareholder Salaries - Vet | 476


  8. Wages
    Expense | Wages and Salaries Nurses & Support Staff | 5401
    Expense | Wages and Salaries Veterinarians | 5402
    Expense | Wages and Salaries | 5404
    Expense | Superannuation Veterinarians | 5420
    Expense | Superannuation Nurses & Support Staff | 5422
    Expense | Superannuation | 6210
    Expense | Groomer | 4300
    Expense | Locum Nurse | 5411
    Expense | Locum Veterinary Fees | 5410

    Expense | Contractors No GST | 5406


  9. Rent
    Expense | Rent | 4690

  10. Depreciation Lease Interest Expenses

    Expense | Borrowing expenses | 4160
    Expense | Depreciation | 4160
    Expense | Equipment - low value | 4208
    Expense | Equipment Hire | 4205
    Expense | Interest Expense | 4370
    Expense | Lease Expenses | 4380

    Expense | Amortisation Expense | 4702
    Expense | Finance Charge | 4165

  11. Operational Expenses
    Expense | Accountancy fee | 4000
    Expense | Administration fees | 4008
    Expense | Advertising & Marketing | 4005
    Expense | Bad Debts | 4010
    Expense | Bank Fees | 4040
    Expense | Bank Merchant Fees | 4045
    Expense | Body Corporate Fees | 4050
    Expense | Bookkeeping Fees | 4057
    Expense | Cleaning | 4080
    Expense | Computer Expenses | 4100
    Expense | Consultants | 4105
    Expense | Debt Collection | 4110
    Expense | Freight & Courier | 4250
    Expense | General Expenses | 4290
    Expense | Insurance | 4330
    Expense | Legal Fees | 4400
    Expense | Office Expenses | 4530
    Expense | Parking and Tolls | 4540
    Expense | Petty Cash Expenses | 4545
    Expense | Postage | 4550
    Expense | Printing & Stationary | 4610
    Expense | Professional Liability Insurance | 4625
    Expense | Professional Fees | 4620
    Expense | Puppy School | 4628
    Expense | Rates | 4630
    Expense | Repairs & Maintenance | 4692
    Expense | Security | 5240
    Expense | Specialist Fees | 5245
    Expense | Staff Amenities | 5432
    Expense | Staff Recruitment | 5433
    Expense | Staff training and Conferences | 5431
    Expense | Staff Uniforms | 5443
    Expense | Subscriptions & Licenses | 5250
    Expense | Technology | 5280
    Expense | Telephone & Internet | 5300
    Expense | Travel and Accommodation | 5350
    Expense | Utilities ( electricity,water,gas ) | 4450
    Expense | Workers Compensation | 5430

  12. Non Business Expenses
    Expense | Bank Revaluations | 497
    Expense | Closing Stock | 3010
    Expense | Donations | 4170
    Expense | Entertainment | 4200
    Expense | Filing fees | 4240
    Expense | Income Tax Expense | 5900
    Expense | Motor Vehicle Fuel | 4490
    Expense | Motor Vehicle Maintenance | 4491
    Expense | Motor Vehicle Other | 4493
    Expense | Motor Vehicle Rego & Insurance | 4492
    Expense | Opening Stock | 3000
    Expense | Prior Period losses applied | 5850
    Expense | Realised Currency Gains | 499
    Expense | Unrealised Currency Gains | 498

    Expense | Payroll Tax | 5407 ( because comparing practices has to be the same. ) Could be in wages ??
    Expense | Formation expenses | 4244
    Expense | Loss on disposal of Fixed Assets | 453
    Expense | Goodwill license Fee | 61075 *****

    Regions vary


    PST Provincial sales tax (BC)


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