The first cron job runs daily to process upcoming campaigns and sends the practice a pre-approval email 4 days before the start date. If the cron job runs after the start date due to a connector issue then the campaign send date is +2 days. This allows the practice time to review the patient list and make changes or pause the campaign. If the practice pauses the campaign they must notify PD when to resume it.
The second cron job runs between Tue - Fri to build the campaign messages
The final cron job runs between Tue - Fri to send the campaign messages. Campaign messages are sent between 9am - 5pm.
The cron jobs do not run on public holidays or extended holidays (Easter and Christmas/New Year) where the period is +/- 5 days from the extended holiday.
Add the Marketing Response Email (email of practice where messages are forwarded), Text Message Forward Number (mobile number of practice where message replies are forwarded), and Timezone in Setup Wizard > Company Profile Settings
Schedule the Failed and Stop Messages to be sent to the practice email monthly on the first day of month
Finally, email the practice using the Post Campaign Setup template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QTlQu_cLYC6YHXB5Sr5A827XghhZY2QfPz1MpaW3h6I