Transaction Data Type

Transaction Data Type

Transactions encompass purchases, invoices and orders. Each transaction has a header and one or more line items.

Transactional data is the core of Slyncy’s data model; it uses all the other core data types. If you want to transfer invoices, purchases or orders, then all the other data types are transferred in order to make them available for this data type.


  • lineExtensionAmount__c is the correct total of the line. If quantity x unit price does not equal this value, then a discount has been applied and needs to be calculated appropriately.
  • discountTotal__c and shippingTotal__c are on the header. Connectors without a discount or shipping amount on the header will require an product to create a line item using.
  • Updating of transactions are not supported at this time. Therefore if an transaction is sent and then updated, the update will NOT be transferred.

Transaction Header

identifier__cThe identifier of the transaction. Note: this is not a unique field.
invoiceTypeCode__cEither ItemSaleInvoice or ItemPurchaseOrder
accountingCustomerParty__cThe party that the transaction relates to
discountTotal__cA decimal value indicating the discount amount applied to the transaction.
shippingTotal__cA decimal value indicating the shipping amount applied to the transaction.
issueDateTime__cThe date the transaction was issued
dueOrExpiryDate__cFor an invoice or purchase order, this is the due date of the transaction. For an order, this is the expiry date of the order.
legalMonetaryTotal__cThe total amount of the transaction. This value is indicational only, the values of each line item should be used to correctly calculate the total value of the invoice.
tax_Total__cThe total amount of tax on the transaction. This value is indicational only, the values of each line item should be used to correctly calculate the total tax value of the invoice.
note__cA note on the transaction
referenceID__cA reference string for the transaction. This could be the biller’s reference, or a purchase order number
status__cThe status of the transaction. This is copied directly from the source and no transposing is done.
tags__cComma seperated list of tags. Tags can be used to customise data flows. (See here for more details)[/docs/customisation/tagging].
relatedTransaction__cThe ID of a related transaction. For an invoice, this could be the ID of the Purchase Order if available.
billingAddress_Street__cThe billing address used on this transaction
billingAddress_City__cThe billing address used on this transaction
billingAddress_Postcode__cThe billing address used on this transaction
billingAddress_State__cThe billing address used on this transaction
billingAddress_Country__cThe billing address used on this transaction
shippingAddress_Name__cThe Name on the shipment
shippingAddress_Phone__cThe Phone number on the shippment
shippingAddress_Street__cThe shipping address on the shipment
shippingAddress_City__cThe shipping address on the shipment
shippingAddress_Postcode__cThe shipping address on the shipment
shippingAddress_State__cThe shipping address on the shipment
shippingAddress_Country__cThe shipping address on the shipment

Transaction Line Item

invoice__cThe ID of the transaction header
item__cThe ID of the product for this line item
invoicedQuantity__cThe quantity of products on ths line item
note__cThe line note or description
isLineExtensionAmountIncTax__cBoolean flag indicating whether lineExtensionAmount__c includes tax
lineExtensionAmount__cThe total amount of the line item
unit_IsPriceIncTax__cBoolean flag indicating whether unit_Price__c includes tax
unit_Price__cThe price of each unit of the line item
taxCode__cThe tax code of the line item
account__cThe financial account of the line item
order__cA numeric value used for sorting the line items.