Accounting Connectors

Accounting Connectors

Tired of surprise cash-flow issues at the end of the month and of never being sure of your outstanding account receivables? Slyncy helps you manage your business cashflow, invoicing, and accounts receivable/payable by ensuring you have the most up-to-date finance information from across your business at your fingertips.

Syncing between multiple Accounting Systems

This is possible but there are some extra configurations to consider.

You should ensure that both systems have an equal number of tax codes which can map to each other. If you add any more tax codes, you should go into the configuration page of the relevant connector and click on the ‘Setup financial data’ link to re-sync your financial data (taxcodes and accounting codes).

As with the tax codes, you also need to ensure that every financial account from the source system(s) has a corresponding financial account in the destination system.

We will provide you with a tool to help make a link between the tax codes of both your accounting systems.

We cannot transfer any invoices until all tax codes and financial accounts are correctly matched. If there are unmapped items, then any missing codes will result in a mapping error when they are used.