- Download and install the qodbc.exe file from here: http://wwwassets.qodbcslyncy.com/downloadinstall/qodbcqodbc1.exe
- Go on the start menu and search QODBC >> select the QODBC Setup Screen. Find the location of your saved company file and map under "Locate a company file". Take note of the Data Source Name. Click OK.
- You can optionally validate if the data source has been installed by going to: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and executing odbcad32.dll. Here you will see the same data source under system DSN
- Open the Reckon company file as ADMIN.
- In Profitdiagnostix, go to Settings >> Data Sources
- Click Queue:
- An application certificate will pop up. Click yes, and login as Admin. Continue.
- You will see in the bottom right corner the data being pulled.
- The data will sync and when finished will say "Done"