Volusion Connector

Volusion Connector

Volusion gives you everything you need to create a successful ecommerce website. Over 40,000 use Volusion to start an online business. Volusion provides powerful and easy-to-use ecommerce software, including search engine friendly websites, access to free ecommerce templates, reliable hosting, effective ecommerce marketing tools and much more. Volusion provides a wide range of ecommerce design and marketing services to further grow your business. 



Setup instructions:

Slyncy uses the Generic Volusion API for connectivity. Please follow these instructions to find the Generic API Url: 

Enable the Generic API: 

Firstly, note that the username you login must have the following permissions: Import, Customers, Products and Orders 

  1. Go to your volusion admin site
  2. Navigate to Inventory > Import/Export
  3. Click on Volusion API
  4. If you have not already done so, click on Enable on the Generic API
  5. Click on 'Run' on button next to 'Generic\Customers'
  6. Click on 'Run' at the top of the page.
  7. You will see a http URL in the box, this is your Generic API Url. Copy that into the Slyncy login page.

Note:  The Volusion API only supports a single connector. If you already have another software connected to the Generic API, then you should not proceed. 


Additional instructions:



  • We use the Generic Volusion API, which only supports a single connector. If you already have another software application connected to the Generic API, then you should not proceed.
  • Note that due to the way the Volusion API works - you may need to 'reset' the sync stream. Do this from the Volusion Import/Export section by clicking 'Reset Generic Customers/Products/Orders'



Volusion Notes


Please select "Ignore invalid email addresses". If you don't any invalid email addresses which your users have entered will be ignored. If you don't select this, then these users will fail to be sync'd and any orders by these users will also fail.

Due to the way the Volusion API is built, you may need to reset the API change stream when you setup Slyncy (see below).

Resetting the Volusion Change API Stream

See this video to see how this is done - ensure that you click the last date to reset all dates.

Go to your volusion admin site:

  • Navigate to Inventory > Import/Export
  • Click on Volusion API
  • Click on 'Run' on button next to the data type you would like to reset. So for Customers, click on 'Generic\Customers'
  • Under 'Reset Generic Customers', select a date.
  • You can either reset a single record (which will allow that record to be re-sent at the next sync), or you can reset all IDs and then click 'Reset Export'. This will cause Slyncy to insert and/or update any missing records, depending on your settings at the next sync run.
  • You can then do a manual sync on the Slyncy dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Old data is not coming through

A: Try resetting the Volusion Change API Stream (see above)