Client Loyalty -Dental

Client Loyalty -Dental

Your dashboard Functions

Clients that have visited your business on 3 or more different occasions and spent more than $ ###.00 on each one of these occasions

Navigation: Go to main menu → My Dashboards → Client Loyaly



Click on an image to enlarge

Using the dashboard functions of Client Loyalty

  1. This report looks at spending behaviour in you business and is an INDICATOR of customer loyalty.

  2. Listed will be the names of your loyal clients Amount spent, Invoice count and contact details.

  3. Your report states you can change the average industry value variable.
    A detailed instruction is as follows.
    Main dashboard → Settings → Variables → Avg


  4. Next on the variable click the edit pencil


  5. Change to the figure you wish to use then save.


  6. PRINTING → Use the share button → PDF or HTML

  7. For a further information please contact support@profitdiagnostix.com

  8. Or https://calendly.com/profit-diagnostix


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