Personalised Staff Performance Dashboards

Personalised Staff Performance Dashboards

Individual Staff KPI dashboards

Dashboards designed to monitor your staffs individual performance.

They display line charts and tables including items invoiced and services generated that have been later invoiced.

These reports are designed to maintain practice standards and help keep the same level of services offered to all clients. They help identify strengths and areas where an important diagnostic service is or isn’t being utilised.

The Primary Staff average transaction fee (weekly or monthly) can be found in these dashboards.

The targets are assigned using industry national averages. The percentage of the practice client facing events performed will determine the expected target. The target will continuously vary depending on the hours worked. This will automatically account for part time/ full time work levels. When on leave for at least one week the target will be zero.


Navigation: Go to main menu → My Dashboards → Select Report





  1. Every Primary staff member will have four personalised Staff Performance Dashboards as can be seen above.

  2. The Personalised dashboards are a scenario created from the Staff Performance Dashboards ( all Primary staff ) that automatically isolates an individual team members performance. An example below


  3. The menu on each dashboard includes a share report button. These reports can be shared via email to the Staff member, Practice Manager or Practice Owners on a weekly or monthly cycle.


    To share a dashboard go to this link → Scheduling or sharing dashboard reports

  4. Your Profit Diagnostix support staff will have provided a detailed explanation of the dashboards made available on your data hub at setup. For further information please use the following link to book a call or meeting.

Click on images to enlarge


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