Once you are done configuring, click the ‘Finalise’ button and we’ll guide you through a straightforward pre-launch checklist.
Scheduling can be configured on a daily (at an approximate time of day) or hourly basis.
Slyncy will double-check your configuration and contact you by phone or email within 2 business days. We will ensure that your setup is smooth and stress free, as the integrity and security of your data is extremely important to us.
Once we have activated your account, you can choose to run your jobs on a scheduled basis, or you can manually queue the jobs to be run.
Data flows
- Dependencies: slyncy automatically chooses the dependencies for each data type. If you turn off one of the dependencies you may experience errors.
- Advanced mode: the advanced data flows show syncing between left and right. On the left is your system and on the right is Slyncy. To Sync Contacts between two systems, you would need to ‘pull’ (tick the left-to-right arrow) contacts from the source system, and ‘push’ (tick the right-to-left arrow) contacts to the destination system. Again you must be careful for dependencies.
- Simple mode: the simple mode combines the push and the pull operations to make it easier to understand. If you want to sync contacts from one system to another, simply click the arrow in the direction you would like the data to be transferred.
The Simple Mode configuration can be limiting in some cases:
a) it does not work when you have more than 2 connectors setup, and b) some types of data (invoices and purchases) are grouped together. Therefore, if you only want to synchronise Purchase Orders, you would need to use the advanced configuration.
As configuration can be fairly complex, please contact support if you have any questions.
Stock Levels
Stock levels can be pushed or pulled to some systems. You must consider which direction the stock levels are synchronised: pull from the source system, and push to the destination system.
Accounting Codes
Some source data does not provide tax codes and financial accounts. If these items are required, then there are configurations for default item codes that can be used. Your accountant may need to be involved in deciding which defaults you should use.
Default Tax Code
This is the tax code which inventory items and transaction items are created with.
Default Income Account
This is the income account ledger code which inventory items are created with.
Default Payment Account
This is the payment account ledger code which transaction payments are created with.
Note that the defaults for inventory items are only used on item creation: therefore, if you make a change to this, items that are already created will not be affected. To change an inventory item tax code and income account, you would need to go into your financial software or other inventory management system and make changes, and then sync those changes across to Slyncy.
Multi-master data
Multi master (bidirectional) synchronisation is supported, but there are several things you should be aware of:
- If both systems are updated at the same time, the order of synchronisation determines the ‘winner’ of any integration clash. You can change the order of the sync by dragging items up and down on the advanced data flows screen. The last item will be the ‘winner’ as it will overwrite the previous changes.
- If you want matching to occur you must ensure that you are ‘pulling’ both systems. Matching only occurs when adding a new item to the Slyncy DataHub.
Financial start date
Most connectors with transactional data will have an transaction cuttoff date. Every transaction before this date will be skipped. Note that by default Slyncy can only syncs transactions for the past 30 days.
Note that if you change this date after synching transactions, older transactions will not be synced again (unless they are modified by the system somehow). Contact support if you want help getting these invoices to sync.