How to configure the integration

How to configure the integration

The integration is a one way integration from Xero to Profitdiagnostix. The data copied to Profitdiagnostix is always the same with only one configuration option influencing the connection, this is the 'tracking' configuration.

If you use tracking codes in your xero file then you can split the data that is copied to your Profitdiagnostix systems. This is set at the time of the connection and cannot be altered afterwards.

The case use for this is when a business is multi branch, uses the same Xero file for the branches and tags all the Xero transactions with tracking codes for each branch when they do their bookkeeping. Using this configuration allows you to report on each tracking code as if it was a separate business.

With the default ‘no tracking’, the connection will copy all the data, and in most cases this is the more desirable option. If the business would like to split by tracking codes at a later date then this can be achieved by using the 'splitting' button and sending the split data to a second and/or third Profitdiagnostix system. Our support desk can help you with this is you submit a support ticket.


Once the connection is complete, you will see 7 buttons:

Queue: Click on this button if you want a fresh copy of your Xero data immediately. Profitdiagnostix only collects data automatically once a day so if you have just entered a lot of journals in your xero file and want to look at a report, click this button to have a fresh lot of data.

Schedule: Click on this if you want to change the time that your xero data is synced. When the connection is created, a time is automatically selected, but you can change this time if you prefer a different time.

Reconnect: Use this button to re-do the connection process. You should not need to do this unless the connection has become corrupted or if you decide to change the settings for your ‘tracking’

Data: Use this button if you want to view the data in raw format and export the data. This is more commonly used for other systems and should not be commonly used in the Xero connector.

Share: Click this button if you want to ‘share’ your Xero data into another Profitdiagnostix system. The usual case use for this is if you have multiple Accounting files for different tax entities and want to report on a consolidated basis. Clicking on ‘share’ will display any other Profitdiagnostix systems that you have access to.

Split: If you have set your initial connector to ‘no tracking’ but wish to send only part of your data to another Profitdiagnostix system then use the split button. This will then allow you to select the appropriate Xero tracking code and the Profitdiagnostix system that you send the data to.


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