Time Events - PKB

Time Events - PKB

This is used on line charts to note if an event took place on specific dates. 

Eg. Someone went on holidays

  1. Find a date/time line chart. Here we are in the Business Health Check dashboard. Click on a point on the line chart to add an event.

2. A window will pop up where you can put in the relevant information.

3. Type: Holiday or Other

Title: Eg. Away on holidays

Visibility: Public or Private

Marker Type: Circlepin, Flag, Plotband

Individual Colour: Choose your own colour

Shown on: All Reports, Current Report Only

Begin: Start date, End date


4. Click Save. There will now be a circlepin down the bottom.

5. By clicking on the event that has been made, a window will popup of the event. Here you can edit or delete the information.

6. Go to Settings > Time Events

7. Here you will find a list of Time Events that have been created in all reports.