Veterinary Staff Comparison

Veterinary Staff Comparison

How your staff compare

There are two tables in this report.

The first is displaying the revenue and Services provided last month and the second table two months ago.

Navigation: Go to main menu → My Dashboards → Staff Performance Dashboards → Veterinary Staff Comparison




Click on an image to enlarge

Staff comparison - Revenue, services provided and percentages Monthly

  1. The Veterinary Staff report will give you a side by side comparison of all your current Primary staff ( this may include primary users who left in the last 3 months )

  2. If you have staff that spend most of their time consulting they usually will have a high conversion rate and lower revenue when compared to a surgery team member who will have a higher revenue and lower conversion rate.

  3. Converted Revenue → This is an estimate of the revenue a team member books in rather than what they directly invoice.

  4. Converter or Worker → An estimated conversion value is included in “Converter or Worker” row
    This row explains if the team member does more work/procedures or books in more procedures. The estimated revenue indicates the value of booking in more procedures (+ve) vs doing more procedures that others book in (-ve)

  5. This report can be modified using the scenarios button, or copied and can also be shared to an email address.

  6. The scenario can be used to select staff or a different date range. In the select staff feild, you can isolate the staff members you wish to view rather than all the primary users.

    For a more information on how to set a scenario go to this link How to create or edit a Scenario

  7. Display limitations → for larger practices a slide bar will appear underneath the two reports to scroll across and view unseen staff. You can modify the names displayed in profit diagnostix

  8. To share this dashboard go to this link Share Dashboards

  9. To copy this report click the copy button Copying a dashboard


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