Password Reset

Password Reset

Reset a forgotten password

There are two ways to reset a password.
The user who had forgotten their password can reset from the login screen.
A currently logged in user or support can send an email to the user.

Navigation: Go to main menu → Account → Users



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How to reset a password → User reset

  1. Login Screen reset
    Go to your login screen. https://my-reports.slyncy.com/site/login


  2. Type in the user email then click forgotten your password?


  3. Click the Email me a reset link button shown below


  4. Open the email and Reset your password, you can continue to the dashboards or just change passwords.


How to reset a password → Logged in user or support reset

  1. A logged in user can Steve Profit a password reset by clicking the Password Reset tab


  2. A pop up will appear to confirm you want to send a reset. Click Ok to proceed.


  3. The email received will have a link similar to below to navigate the user to the reset panel


  4. Open the email and Reset your password, you can continue to the dashboards or just change passwords.



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