Report Types
Report Types
Report types are defining what kind and how the rows are displayed. Depending on the type different sets of rows are available in the report.
Most types handle the grouping of the results (Structured Query Language "GROUP BY"). Others can display HTML data or accumulate different reports to tables or charts.
- Transaction reports are used to display database results without any grouping
- Target Transaction Reports are used to automatically update the Targets
- Grouped by Calendar/Fiscal dates are grouping database results by the given period
- By Product Reports are grouping by the products field (invoice lines)
- By Users Reports are grouping by the configured "Staff/Groups" configured in the Setup Wizard (Settings > Setup Wizard). Please note, that only "Staff/Groups" with "Primary" role are displayed.
- By Customer Reports are grouping by the products field (invoice lines)
- HTML Info Component reports can only display static HTML data
- Dashboard Reports accumulating different reports to one table or chart