By Customer Reports

By Customer Reports

By Customer Reports are grouping database results by customer using the SQL "GROUPED BY" statement.
As customers are only available on the invoices, only the "Invoice" row type is available in these reports

Possible row types:

A By Customer Report only shows the ID number of the client in your system. In the next update, customer information such as name and address will also be shown in these reports. 

Start the report by going to Settings >> reports >> create report on LHS. 

Display Name: e.g. By Customer Report

Type: By Customer Report

Click on Create. 

Add row >> call the display name: Invoiced. With the ID number of the client being in the left column, the right column will show how many times that client has been invoiced.

              >> Make the type: Invoice 

              >> Aggregate: Count (as you are counting the amount of customers)

             >> Column: Customer will create a report with all customers. Distinct customer will create a report that shows e.g. how many customers have visited at least once in the date period you chose. 

             >> Date Filter: e.g. 12 month period: period_roll0to12

Click on Create. 

After adding this to your dashboard, you'll notice that you can't see the full table. You can pivot the table to make it more readable.

Do this by clicking on Settings on the top right hand corner of that report, choosing Pivot Table from the Output Type drop down menu and click on Save. 

The current version of Profit Diagnostix will result in a report like this: