How to give access to RxWorks

How to give access to RxWorks

In order for us to create Staff KPIs and business reports we need access to your RxWorks file. RxWorks does not provide us access to your database without an add-on module which you need to purchase from RxWorks.

You can find out more information about the 'Data-Access' module here: https://www.rxworks.com/rxworks/modules/#1476832278372-accbcaf5-f3aa

Requesting access:

Please send an email to your RxWorks account manager requesting:

  • access to the 'Data Access Module' - they usually will charge you $180 to $250 fee to do this
  • Tell them that you need to get some reports out of RxWorks
  • We would also request that they tell us the following: 1) IP address , 2) database name, 3) database username and password, 4) database instanceName of the database that we will need to connect to.

A standard rx works connction string looks something like this: jdbc:sqlserver://;instanceName=SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=RxMainView

Once the Rx Works side of the connection is dealt with, we will still need access to one of your terminals. This should be a terminal in your clinic that does not get used much and does not get turned off at night. To allow us access to this terminal, install teamviewer as per these instructions: Teamviewer setup or if you would rather, call us at APL Accountants 07 3488 0131 and we will talk you through it.

RXworks → How to find your Instance and Server name

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