Dashboard reports overlayed / matching columns

Dashboard reports overlayed / matching columns

Sometimes visually it is desirable to have a chart overlaying another chart.

For example you may want to chart This financial year and last financial year revenue on a single chart, with the corresponding months in the same place on the x-axis.

To achieve this you need to produce a 'dashboard type report and tick the 'match columns box'. This will make the x-axis labels for both lines the same and put them in the same position.

NOTE: the report type you produce must be a financial year type report, rolling reports will not work in this case as the overlaying is best if the months/weeks/years always remain in the same position on the chart.


Example on creating an overlayed / match columns report:

go to settings >> reports >> create report

select 'month report' and make the display name 'last year revenue'

add row >> call the display name 'last year' , make the type 'profit and loss', date filter 'pal_vet_fy_past', financial accounts 'profitloss_revenue' >> click create

go to settings >> reports >> create report

select 'month report' and make the display name 'this year revenue'

add row >> call the display name 'this year' , make the type 'profit and loss', date filter 'pal_vet_fy_devi', financial accounts 'profitloss_revenue' >> click create

Now we need to create a 'dashboard report'

settings >> create report >> call the report 'overlayed revenue report', report type 'dashboard report'

add row >> display name overlayed revenue, type 'dashboard source' >> click 'create'

you will now be able to select your previous reports in the 'select a report box':

select the 'last year revenue' and 'this year revenue' reports you have just created >> save
NOTE: You must now tick the 'match columns' box as indicated in the diagram below 

Now just go to an existing dashboard or create a new dashboard.
click the 'edit' icon (pencil)
search for 'overlayed revenue'
add it to the dashboard

navigate to the report on the screen >> click on settings >>  select 'LineSeriesTimeOutputType' >> save

you now have a line series based report that overlays the revenue for 2 years.

You can also rename the 'series 1' and 'series 2' by clicking on edit >> settings for each report >> change the Title names to 'Revenue'